When you create a note in NotesPro, the title is automatically created using the first words of the first sentence in the note. You can easily change this title to anything that you want. You can also change the title of folders.
Changing the title of a note
1. Open your note by tapping on it in your list of notes.
2. The title is in the grey bar at the top of the screen. Tap beside the title.
When you tap beside the title, a cursor will appear along with the keyboard.
3. Type in the new title and tap the tick. The title of the note is now changed.
You will also be able to see the new note title in your main list of notes.
Changing the title of a folder
The process for changing the title of a folder is similar.
1. Tap on the folder.
2. The title of the folder is in the grey bar at the top of the screen. Tap beside the title.
When you tap beside the title, a cursor will appear along with the keyboard.
3. Type in the new folder title and tap the tick. The title of the note is now changed.
You will also be able to see the new folder title in your main list of notes.
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