It is quick and easy to add records of your calory intake to Calory. It's also easy to edit records you have entered on previous days. Follow the steps below:
1. Tap on the History icon on the home screen.
2. Use the navigation arrows to select the day you want to edit.
3. In this example, we've gone back to yesterday's calory intake records.
4. You can add new records you may have missed by tapping any of the + icons
5. You can also edit a record by tapping on it. In this example, we'll tap on the first record.
6. To change the number of calories in the record, tap on Calories.
7. You can then use the number pad to make the required changes. If you are finished, tap done. If you want to change the values for the macro nutrients of the record, tap Next.
8. On the record's main screen, you can tap any of the options to edit them. This includes the name of the record as well as all the macro nutrients.
9. You can also add a note to the record.
10. You can change the meal type.
11. You can also change the date and time of the meal.
12. Once you are finished, tap Update.
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