Calory is free to use but it has additional features available with a Premium subscription.
You have multiple options when buying a premium subscription. This includes a recurring monthly subscription with three days free trial and a recurring yearly subscription with a free one week trial.
With both of these options, you can cancel at any time.
You can also choose a lifetime subscription.
What do you get with Calory premium, however?
Premium Features Explained
Calory's Premium Features let your track more data about your diet. You also get access to additional food databases and other features. Those features include:
Macro Tracking
Macro tracking lets you track the macro-nutrients you consume as well as the number of calories. The macro-nutrients you can track include:
- Proteins
- Carbohydrates
- Fat
- Sodium
- Cholesterol
- Fiber
- Net carbohydrates
- Sugar
Macro tracking gives you are a more rounded overview of your diet and how healthy it is, plus it can help you keep track of additional goals. For example, to reduce the amount of sugar you eat every day.
Premium Food Database (US/Canada and UK Region)
Calory has a food database with common foods. The foods in this database have the number of calories they contain preset in addition to macro-nutrient levels. This makes adding these foods even quicker.
With a Calory premium subscription, you get an expanded food database with additional quick-entry foods to choose from.
Currently the food database is based on the US region only. We are working on expanding to other regions as well.
Water Tracking
Consuming the right amount of calories every day and following recommended daily intake levels for macro-nutrients is important to eating a healthy diet. You also need to ensure you are properly hydrated to live a healthy lifestyle.
With a Calory premium subscription, tracking the amount of water you drink every day to ensure you are drinking enough is easy. You can set a daily hydration goal, record drinks, and view your stats over time.
Today Widget
Add a Calory widget to your Today View to make it even easier and quicker to record the calories you have consumed.
Unlimited Plates
Plates are a fantastic time-saving feature of Calory. You can setup Plates for the foods and meals you regularly eat so you no longer have to manually enter the calorie or macro-nutrient information.
In the standard version of Calory, there are a limited number of plates you can set up. With a premium subscription, however, the number of plates you can use is unlimited.
Custom Reminders
You can setup Calory to send you a notification to remind you to record your calorie intake throughout the day. The standard version of Calory comes with three default reminders. These notifications are sent at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 6 p.m.
With a premium subscription, however, you can setup custom reminder times that are more suited to your schedule.
Custom Foods
Custom foods is a premium feature that will be available on Calory soon. It will let you manually add new foods to your food database, making it even quicker to record the calories you consume.
How to Buy a Premium Subscription
1. Tap the Settings icon on the home screen.
2. Scroll down and tap Premium features.
3. You will then see the options and prices.
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